Achille Grandi

Achille Grandi (August 24, 1883 – September 28, 1946) was an Italian politician trade unionist and a catholic-syndicalist.

Grandi was born in Como, Italy. In 1918 enter the secretary of the Confederazione Italiana dei Lavoratori CIL being one of the founding member.[1] He was elected CIL general secretary from 1922 to 1926 and brought the CIL up to 2 million members. In 1919 he was among the founding members of Partito Popolare Italiano becoming deputy in the same year. During the fascism he didn't collaborate and survived working in a printing house. The june 3 1944 was one of the promoter and signer of the Pact of Rome which originated the unified CGIL and was the germ of all post war italian the trade-unionism.[2] In the August of 1944 he founded the Associazioni Cristiane dei Lavoratori Italiani (ACLI) becoming just for 6 months its president. As member of Democrazia Cristiana in 1946 was elected at the Constituent Assembly of Italy. He died two months later in Desio nearby Milan, aged 63.


  1. ^ Grandi was former president since 1914 of Sindacato Italiano Tessile (SIT) the trade union of the textile industry and thanks to this assignment he entered the CIL executive organism.
  2. ^ From the CGIL split in 1950 the CISL and the UIL

See also

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